By Llewellyn Williams December 17, 2020
I was recently driving home from a family outing to get home on time for our online All Nations Coalition (ANCO) meeting. As I was taking our beach road home, we were delayed by unusual traffic, being a late Saturday afternoon. When we eventually came to the reason for the delay, we saw that a Drift whale had washed up on the shore. People were obviously fascinated by this huge lifeless creature being shifted by the waves, as many stopped to watch while many others were already standing and watching on and drivers like myself slowed to almost a standstill for a quick picture, video and more. What was intriguing about this rare happening was that my wife, Sharon had a dream a few months ago where she saw almost the exact scene. After the dream we knew God was communicating a few things to us, but after this scene some of these became clearer. In pursuing its prey, the Drift whale can lose its way as it often does not realize that it is entering shallow waters, and thus cannot find its way back. In the same way the enemy is cunning in the sense that he attempts to get our focus off Christ so we can react to him, and thus be led by him. We have seen over the years many giants in the faith fall, and in this season of the pandemic many being called home. This has left church crowds standing on the shores and driving by in their own vehicles of life to watch on in both awe and horror as they seek out direction for themselves and the Body as a whole. Many are asking the age-old questions even more now; “Who am I?” and “Where do I fit in?”. This is why I believe that more relational networks like ANCO is needed in this time to provide support for both intrinsic and extrinsic growth. The Bride must mature for its wedding and marriage which is at hand. The time has come for the Bride’s pure beauty to be expressed, and the leaders of the Church, which we have come to know as the five-fold ministry, must bring all parts of the Body to each recognize its unique and necessary part. The significance of the people looking on in wonder and grief is that there is a common cause and focus. There are many of us affected by the passing of the giants in the faith including Papa Alfie Fabe who was a spiritual father to many of us and very much so to me. I found myself being one of those in the crowd looking on in disbelief and then in wonder and awe as I realized just what he has left me with as with so many others. So I have decided to gather my strength, vision and the mark of an apostolic father that was impressed upon me by such a great man of God and stretch out my hand to other sons and daughters. You may still be asking many questions and perhaps even a bit confused, or you may be ready to connect with your part; whatever your place or position, there is one thing for sure. You are vital to bring the Body to its maturity and fullness. As I got home that day slightly late for the ANCO online meeting, I realized that I need to be in the deep completely submerged in the Holy Spirit, and not to be distracted to shallowness. I also need to be aware of who or what is leading me. I left the shores quit a few years ago when I said to yes Papa Alfie to walk alongside him leading the relational Body that was birthed through his heart. Now I stand with other giants ready to explore the deep even more, guided by our full submergence in Him. I invite you to join us in your present capacity to realize the beauty of our fullness in Him, and to run together to birth this in and through others toward an unending abundance. In this way both earth and heaven become one because we realized it within ourselves and one another.
By Belinda Williams December 5, 2020
The Apostolic ministry that opened church age is being raised up at the end to complete it! It’s the apostolic anointing that will release the end-time church into its destiny. The pastoral anointing cannot accomplish this because it is not a “power dimension.” Christians in this hour will be released to touch the nations, fulfilling destiny! The heart of a true father (apostolic) will desire to and be able to release his sons and daughters to fulfill their destiny. True fathers recognize that: Spiritual fathering is an apostolic function (the principle of raising up sons) Through spiritual fathering, potential and giftings in our spiritual children are brought to full maturity, The ultimate purpose of spiritual fathering is to reproduce sons as successors – a true father is not threatened by his son’s achievements. The End-time church will come into it’s destiny through four means: Restoring righteousness and rejecting religion ( Isaiah 33:5 NIV ) ( Jeremiah 22:1-5 NIV ) Religion is selfish. It focuses on self, whereas true righteousness focuses on others. We need to get rid of religions activity. Job justified himself by caring for the poor, the widows, the fatherless, the blind and the underprivileged. ( Job 29:11-17 NIV ) Righteousness right living) is practical. It is caring for others. I believe that social concern should be one of the “priorities” in every ministry. 2. Restoring judgment to a place of prominence. ( Isaiah 33:11-12 NIV ) The church has entered a strong season of weighing, testing and judging. The Lord is watching our conduct, especially extreme teachings. I believe we have over emphasized “prosperity.” In many circles leaders have enriched themselves and in the process impoverished God’s people. Remember God’s people. Remember when you conceive chaff, you will give birth to straw. God is not going to tolerate it anymore. He is going to expose it! A few years ago while ministering in another country I met a minister who introduced himself as an “Apostle of Finances.” On another occasion, while driving down the main road, I was surprised to see a billboard with a minister’s picture and the wording next to it, “Apostle of Deliverance.” ( 1 Chronicles 16:12-14 NIV ) 3. Restoring church life to a place of fellowship. ( Isaiah 33:20 NIV ) Listen, in the last days, God is not going to allow two kinds of churches. Majestic ships, full of weaponry and soldiers for their cause – money in the boat and for the captain. Galleys with oars, full of slaves under the decks serving to the beat of the drum. The day of marching to the beat of one pastor’s drum is over! Leaders in the body of Christ must adapt to the fact that it is our job to raise others up. We are here to raise, equip and release Christians into the five – fold ministry – not to keep them in bondage (under one roof). The day of the famous vessel, bringing gold and wealth into the house of one man or ministry is quickly passing. The early church brought wealth to the feet of the apostles, but it was distributed to each one as they had need. I strongly believe that we need to go back to house churches. The more house churches, the more pastors to be equipped and released to ensure greater pastoral care! In every place a church is planted, a base is set up in the enemy’s territory ( John Wimber ). It is difficult for larger ships to turn around. The old wineskin cannot contain the new wine being poured out. In the past, new wine was rejected. ( Acts 2:46-47 NIV ) 4. Restoring miracles to a place of prominence: ( Isa 33:24 NIV ) It is sad that protestant reformers invented the theory that spiritual gifts died in the first century, thereby thwarting Christ’s mission of healing and deliverance. The awakening of Pentecostal in 1906 (Asuza St) revived Bethel in healing. ( 1 Cor 12:28 NIV ) Since then, God raised up men and women like Kathryn Kulhman, Oral Roberts and others in the healing ministry. When the church truly becomes apostolic, we will see more men like Philip and Steven becoming prominent in the body of Christ (See Acts 6,8 ). “A divine militancy is coming upon the church that will strike gripping fear into the heart of every power of darkness – as earthly armies leave devastation, the army of the Lord will leave restoration, healing, peace and even prosperity in her wake” – Rick Joyner.
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